Qi Notebook

Thoughts on Tai Chi & Qigong by Linda Ebeling

The journey of practice 

“Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley.” ~Theodore Roethke I find my tai chi study and practice to be much like a journey. We seek to arrive at a destination or goal (which we may never reach) and there are surprises and…


Going Back to go Forward

When we look at Taoist thought in Tai Chi, sometimes we must look back to see where we are going or to progress. Nature moves in the patterns of days and seasons. Tai Chi forms reflect the cycles of repetition and change.Tai Chi forms travel side to side as well…


Feet are the Foundation

“Walk as if your feet are kissing the earth”~ Thich nhat hanh Proper structure in tai chi and qigong will free the body to move with ease and flow. In the practices of tai chi and qigong, our feet are our foundation. They are the only part of our body…


Wisely and Slow

The Tai Chi principles state that we should move slowly. Let’s examine the benefits of moving slowly for improved tai chi practice and physical benefit. Slow allows for Mindful Movement: Tai Chi is frequently called meditation in motion. Moving slowly allows us to access that mind body connection, key in…


Tai Chi in a time of Social Distancing

We are living in a challenging and unpredictable time. Worries and fears about our health, families, and the economy surround us. The news and social media constantly bombard us with information on COVID 19 and fuel the fear that leads people to hoard groceries and toilet paper in an attempt…

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